Tripoid Barrier / Turnstile

Tripoid Barrier / Turnstile

The tripod barrier, also known as a turnstile, is a versatile and space-efficient access control solution designed to manage pedestrian flow while maintaining security and access restrictions. Tripod barriers are widely used in various settings to ensure controlled entry, prevent unauthorized access, and streamline pedestrian traffic. This article outlines the features, benefits, and applications of tripod barrier/turnstile systems.

Features and Components

  2. Three Rotating Arms: Tripod barriers are named for their three rotating arms, which restrict entry to one person at a time while preventing tailgating.
  4. Bi-directional Control: Most tripod barriers are designed to allow entry and exit in both directions, facilitating smooth traffic flow.
  6. Access Control Integration: These turnstiles can be integrated with access control technologies such as RFID card readers, fingerprint scanners, and QR code readers.
  8. Mechanical and Electronic Versions: Tripod barriers come in both mechanical (manual) and electronic (motorized) versions, offering flexibility in operation.
  10. Safety Sensors: Integrated sensors detect obstructions during rotation, halting movement to prevent accidents and ensure user safety.
  12. Customizable Design: Tripod barriers can be customized in terms of design, color, and branding to match the aesthetics of their installation environment.
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