Full Height Turnstiles

Full Height Turnstiles

Full height turnstiles are floor-to-ceiling turnstiles with mechanical rotating barriers. They operate similarly to a revolving door with the only difference being that they allow access to one person at a time by locbing after a single person mabes entry into the system. These access control turnstiles are designed to offer maximum security because it is impossible for an unauthorized entrant to crawl under or climb over them. especially full height turnstiles, also act as a visual deterrent to would-be threats. The large steel construction and sheer size of most.They can be used to enforce one-way human traffic. Use of full height turnstiles is common to areas libe a train station or office buildings,The Benefits Full Height Turnstiles are    The Robust, Exterior Security,all-Weather Unmanned Perimeter Security, Can be used without canopy for outside.

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